Black currant Bio Botanica Sunflower

A combination of favorite tastes from childhood which I have to pass on to the future generation, after all it is a source of vitamins and other nutrients for good feeling and tone.
Black currant, roasted sunflower seeds, Or Noir chocolate
Recipe components
Dark natural colorant
Preparation | Ingredients |
Preparation Chocolate melt with cocoa butter | Ingredients
Yellow natural colorant
Preparation | Ingredients |
Preparation Chocolate melt with cocoa butter | Ingredients
White natural colorant
Preparation | Ingredients |
Preparation Chocolate melt with cocoa butter | Ingredients
Black currant caramel ganache
Preparation | Ingredients |
Preparation Blackcurrant puree boil with vanilla and salt. Add anhydrous butter at 35oC | Ingredients
Sun flower praline
Preparation | Ingredients |
Preparation Melt chocolate with cocoa butter and sunflower paste | Ingredients
Assembly and finishing
Paint the mold black, then yellow, and then white |