Tor Stubbe
The Nordic & Baltics Chocolate Master

Passionate perfectionist

Age: 35
Nationality: Danish
WorkChocolatier-pastry chef at Bojesen & Chocolatier at Oialla Copenhagen

It wasn’t Stubbe’s first time challenging this high level competition. In 2015, he already became Scandinavian Chocolate Master. Now, 2 years later, he again impressed the jury with his excellent skills and wild creativity during the Scandinavian preselections of the World Chocolate Masters. Expect an unforgettable passage from him during next year’s final.

About the National Selection

On Tuesday 31 October, the Zealand Business College (Denmark) turned into a stage for the Scandinavian preselections of the World Chocolate Masters. Tor Stubbe managed to impress the jury after a thrilling day where he displayed his master skills, creative spirit and thought-through concept.

"When participating in the World Chocolate Masters, you need support. And I can reveal that I have the greatest team on earth!"


– Tor Stubbe –

The number #2

#2 Eero Paulamäki

Age: 33
Nationality: Finnish
WorkChef at Master Confectioner @ Fazer Café Kluuvikatu

Tuesday, 7 November, 2017